
黃國治老師 20150702 馬步要點說明

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1. 雙腳內緣平行
That the feet are parallel straight forward makes force concentrated.

2. 膝蓋朝腳尖方向
Keep the knees aligned with the feet and the feet grasp the ground.

3. 上半身中正,也就是脊椎中正,不蹋腰翹臀
Keep the back upward straight and the lumbar spine neutral instead of pushing the buttocks out.

4. 往下蹲之後(蹲,即坐椅子的感覺),膝蓋自然會超出腳尖(一點),而重心點在胯。
When the torso sinking down to a sitting position, the knees will be over the toes slightly. Put your weight in your hip and heels, not your knees. 



Master K.C. Huang has been practicing TaiChi and WuShu over 50 years with good knees.



Category: 基本樁法

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